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  пресс-релизы компаний: международных, СНГ, Украины , России
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Военная агрессия России против Украины

Коллеги, 24 февраля Россия начала открытое вторжение в Украину.
Мы полностью солидарны с украинским народом в борьбе с оккупантами и желаем Украине не просто мира, а победы.
России должен быть нанесен максимальный урон не только в военной, но и в других сферах. Только таким образом возможно обрести настоящий, а не русский мир.
Для поддержания Вооруженных сил Украины в борьбе с российскими оккупантами, Национальный банк Украины открыл спецсчет (доступны все основные валюты)
Российский фашизм будет повержен. Слава Украине!

TEAM International

TEAM International charity events: little things that are so important.

TEAM International representatives visited Kharkov Orphan House #3 to deliver the goods it desperately needs for child care. This charity event occurred thanks to staff fund-raising efforts. TEAM International hopes to cover at least some of the orphans’ numerous needs and draw more attention to this social problem.

According to Business Ukraine, the terminology and systemization of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities is relatively new in Ukraine. According to a recent survey conducted by UMC, the major local telecoms provider, 47.7% of respondents consider charity as activity within the CSR. The survey also finds that there is an obvious need of spreading more understanding of CSR among Ukrainian companies. TEAM International is already engaged in the process and is ready to share the experience of its charity program and events.
TEAM International extends its patronage to Kharkov Orphan House #3, which is home to children from 2 months to 4 years old. The program is permanent, it was started in November 2007 and now it comes to regular staff-fundraising events.
"We recently celebrated our 5-year anniversary of doing business in Ukraine, a great accomplishment for our company and employees, and we wanted to honor that success by giving back the community," said Chris Walton, President. "Thinking beyond our own backyard, we decided to assist organizations that are helping children improve their lives, for they are our future. We hope to help make a difference by continuing to be a good corporate citizen."
TEAM International hopes to cover some of the orphans’ needs and to draw more attention to this social problem. We believe that every event, big or small, makes a difference to the lives of these kids.

(Source: Business Ukraine, #7, April 23, 2007)

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