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  пресс-релизы компаний: международных, СНГ, Украины , России
Правила О проекте
Военная агрессия России против Украины

Коллеги, 24 февраля Россия начала открытое вторжение в Украину.
Мы полностью солидарны с украинским народом в борьбе с оккупантами и желаем Украине не просто мира, а победы.
России должен быть нанесен максимальный урон не только в военной, но и в других сферах. Только таким образом возможно обрести настоящий, а не русский мир.
Для поддержания Вооруженных сил Украины в борьбе с российскими оккупантами, Национальный банк Украины открыл спецсчет (доступны все основные валюты)
Российский фашизм будет повержен. Слава Украине!

Results of work Action Data Group for 2007

The year 2007 is over, and Action Data Group LLC would like to thank all its customers and partners for the fruitful cooperation.

The last year was productive, and we hope next one will be not worse.

Last year we started to offer a new service - remote focus groups for Customers who cannot be present at ADG’s focus group facility in person for whatever reasons -

In addition to our own news, you can subscribe to RSS-news ( or short sectoral reviews across a wide range of Ukrainian industry and business sectors -

In the year 2007, Action Data Group completed over 70 research and 15 consultancy projects, and some most interesting of these projects are highlighted below.

- The Ukrainian market of special fats. A competitive environment and needs.

- Consumer preferences of vegetable oils. Repositioning an existing brand (focus-group).

- Revealing of preferences to washing machines of premium-class.

- Market of air conditioners (focus groups, home visits, depth interviews).

- Consumer testing of kefir and sour cream (hall-test)

- Consumer preferences of snacks

- Mystery Shopping at audio-video stores

- Assessment of sales volume of certain categories of household goods in DYI markets

- The attitude to means for washing and their application (qualitative research – focus group)

- Consumer preferences for brake fluid and a cooling liquid.

- Analysis of the Ukrainian market of PVC, polyethylene and polypropylene sanitary engineering production.

- Market for means of protection of respiratory ways and faces; key players and market size.

- Revealing of preferences at schoolboys to studying English and motivation of a choice of educational institutions

- Research of market of the ware-house real estate of Kharkiv and 30-km area

- Research of market of the commercial real estate of Dnipropetrovsk

- Research of market of the market of wooden house-building

- Analysis of the Ukrainian market of walls and ceiling overlapping from aerated concrete

- Monitoring of cost and the prices for engine oils in Ukraine (recurring project)

- Analysis of the market for dental-technical materials and their preference

Except for new customers we had new information partners. We’d like to thank these web-resources:









In the coming year Action Data Group LLC guarantees further fulfilment of its obligations towards our customers, despite of everything.

Stay with us – we never let you down!

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